Andhra Pradesh Finance Minister Anam Ramnarayan Reddy Wednesday presented a tax-free revenue-surplus budget for 2011-12 with an overall expenditure of over Rs.128,500 crore (Rs.1,285 billion).
He said in his budget speech in the assembly that the overall expenditure in fiscal 2011-12 would include Rs.809.84 billion (Rs.80,984 crore) under the non-plan and Rs.475.58 billion (Rs.47,558 crore) under the plan heads.
Presenting his maiden budget, Reddy said the fiscal deficit was estimated at Rs.176.02 billion (Rs.17602 crore) while the revenue surplus would be Rs.38.26 billion (Rs.3,826 crore).
The total size of the budget this year was higher than the 2010-11 budget of Rs.1,136 billion (Rs.113,600 crore).
The finance minister announced that the government would continue welfare schemes like Arogyasri and Rs.2 per-kg rice to people below the poverty line.
However, he did not announced any new scheme.
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